Sunday, February 24, 2013

Why did it happen?

The Civil War was possibly the most important war in US history (other than the Revolutionary War, of course). This series of brutal battles created the basis of the United States today. One thing historians can never agree upon though is the cause of the Civil war, was it the differences in lifestyle in the North and South? Or was the South's adamancy for states' rights? Another widespread belief is that the election of Abraham Lincoln fueled the flames of war. Even though all of these are highly plausible causes, the reason behind is mostly thought to be slavery. The South wanted to keep their slaves, they argued that they needed them to keep their plantations functioning. The lifestyle of southerners was built off of slave labor, on the other hand, the northern populace reasoned that it was unjust to own another human being. They wanted to abolish the south's "peculiar institution" once and for all. The argument between  the two sides of the country resulted in many compromises and acts, none of which solved the problem. Granted, they mollified the supporters on either side, but they were temporary solutions at best. This difference in opinion was what widened the rift between north and south to an impassible girth. 

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